Handover of Management of the Faculty of Psychology Alumni Association
Handover of Management of the Faculty of Psychology Alumni Association

Today, Thursday 25 January 2024, the handover of the management of the Psychology Alumni Association from the management for the 2019-2023 period to the management for the 2024-2027 period was officially announced. In the Dean's speech, Dr. Yunita Faela Nisa, M.Psi, Psychologist said that the Alumni Association is a forum for alumni to contribute. The Faculty of Psychology is one of the faculties promoted by the University as a superior faculty with a focus on internationalization. In this case, Ikaluinpsi can contribute to collaboration in campus internationalization. The Dean expressed his thanks to the Ikaluinpsi management for the 2019-2023 period for their contribution in coordinating alumni activities during that period. It is hoped that the contribution of alumni as one of the stake holders can achieve greater benefits, according to the Faculty's tagline 'Psychology for a Better Life'. The Dean also conveyed his congratulations and hopes to the Chair of IkaluinPsi for the 2024-2027 period.

Ey Eka Kurniawan, M.Psi, Psychologist as Chair of IkaluinPsi for the 2019-2023 period, in his speech expressed his gratitude for the Faculty's trust, so that IkaluinPsi activities could be held. According to him, from the experience of the past 3 years, it is important to take small steps to ultimately achieve big goals, and focus on common goals. Encouraging the mentality of students to always be proud to carry the name of UIN Jakarta also needs to be encouraged because there are many positive (Islamic) values which are very beneficial for life.

Iswahyudi, S.Psi as Chair of IkaluinPsi for the 2024-2027 period conveyed several things, namely about the importance of continuing the relay from the first Ikaluinpsi management to the last management. This is a challenge, especially with the large number of alumni from the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Jakarta, who have spread across various fields of work. As an Ikaluinpsi administrator, of course you need to collaborate with Dema, Sema and the Faculty to achieve common goals. After that, the new chairman of ikaluinpsi also introduced the administrators represented by the division heads and also their members who were present on this occasion. The composition of the management was obtained through open recruitment, so that various generations were represented. It is hoped that active participation through ikaluinpsi can make a real contribution to the development of the Faculty of Psychology, UIN Jakarta.