

Conducting research and publications is a necessity and culture that continues to be built at the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta. The 36 lecturers of the UIN Faculty of Psychology consistently and continuously conduct research in accordance with their respective interests and expertise. conduct research in accordance with their respective interests and expertise. Cooperation and collaboration in research also continue to be carried out both with domestic and foreign partners and universities. Research conducted at the Faculty of Psychology Research conducted at the Faculty of Psychology not only involves lecturers but also students conducting joint research and publications. Furthermore, the productivity of lecturers and students can be seen from the number of articles published in reputable journals. articles that have been published in international and national reputable journals. 

Research grants obtained by lecturers from universities or other institutions at home and abroad prove recognition of the quality of research. Supported by the existence of 3 groups of research initiatives that exist Faculty of Psychology Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, lecturers and students have many opportunities to collaborate and continue to be productive in producing quality research and publications.

For this semester, research will be shown “Implications of the Qur'anic Memorization Method for Improving the Memory of Children with Special Needs ”. This research was conducted by Dr. Natris Idriyani, M.Si, M.Psi, Psikolog and Dr. Neneng Tati Sumiati, M.Si, Psikolog.
