Pioneering University Level KEP, LP2M UIN Jakarta Conducts Benchmarking to UNPAD Bandung
Bandung, 29 Agustus 2024 - Tim Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) bersama tim Komite Etik Penelitian Fakultas Kedokteran, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan dan Fakultas Psikologi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta melakukan benchmarking ke Komite Etik Penelitian (KEP) Universitas Padjajaran Bandung.
Kunjungan kerja ini merupakan bagian dari strategi dan langkah awal untuk membentuk KEP pada tingkat universitas yang diinisiasi oleh LP2M UIN Jakarta. Melalui kegiatan benchmarking ini diharapkan tim UIN Jakarta bisa mendapatkan informasi dan pengalaman yang komprehensif tentang tata kelola, prosedur operasional standar, mekanisme, tantangan, peluang dan praktik baik dari KEP UNPAD yang dapat diterapkan di KEP UIN Jakarta.
Tim KEP UIN Jakarta mendapat sambutan hangat dan diterima langsung oleh Ketua KEP UNPAD Prof. Nur Atik , dr., M.Kes., Ph.D. dan Sekretaris Dr. Med. Muhammad Hasan Bashari, dr., M.Kes. di kantor KEP yang bertempat di Gedung Fakultas Kedokteran Jl. Eyckman No. 38 Bandung.
Menurut Prof. Nur Atik, KEP UNPAD memiliki empat komisi yang menaungi berbagai bidang keilmuan, yaitu Komisi Uji Klinis, Komisi Riset Dasar, Komisi Kesehatan Masyarakat, dan Komisi Sosial Komunitas.
Each commission has a chairman and secretary and seven members.
As a non-profit organization, KEP UNPAD is independent and cannot be intervened by any party in carrying out its duties and functions. In terms of administration KEP is under the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) UNPAD.
In one year KEP UNPAD received around 1,500 research protocols from both inside and outside UNPAD. This shows that awareness of the importance of ethical clearance among researchers is quite high. Each research protocol must be reviewed by two reviewers to see the scientific substance and ethical aspects.
“We at UNPAD do not differentiate between educational strata (S1, S2 and S3) in terms of the obligation to conduct ethical clearance for researchers,” said Prof. Nur Atik.
Researchers from both lecturers and students, she added, should not conduct research outside the protocol that has been reviewed by the KEP reviewer. If there are changes, revisions must be made in the research protocol with the knowledge and approval of KEP members.
The LP2M team and UIN Jakarta KEP team who participated in this benchmarking activity were Endah Wulandari, Irma Nurbaeti, Minsarnawati, Farhanah Murniasih, Diamantin Rohadatul Aisy, Nurin Nadzifatil Fitriyah, and Bambang Suryadi.
As we know, currently UIN Jakarta has formed three KEPs at the faculty level, namely the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences and Faculty of Psychology. However, KEP has not yet been formed at the university level. Given the important role of KEP in research, in the near future UIN Jakarta will establish KEP at the university level.
(Bambang Suryadi).