aktifitas belajar

Bachelor of Psychology

Becoming a globally competitive Bachelor of Psychology Study Program in 2026 for the realization of the welfare of the people based on national pluralism and Islamic values.

  1. Developing the best science and expertise in the field of research-based psychology in Indonesia.
  2. Develop high-level psychological sciences based on a comprehensive understanding of the reality of problems in Indonesia.
  3. Developing the integration of psychological sciences, especially specialization areas such as educational psychology, industrial and organizational psychology and psychometrics with superior behavior, competitive, and productive and with Islamic character, both in research and development and in the application of psychology.

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The learning objectives of graduates of S1 Psychology Study Program are:

  1. Producing graduates who can keep up with the development of psychology in particular and science and technology in general, are able to work and compete in the national and international job market, and are able to continue their studies to a higher level of education. continue their studies to a higher level of education.
  2. Increasing the contribution of Prodi in the quality of human resources, environmental preservation, science and technology development, and education.
  3. Improve the quality of education and research in psychology.

Every student should achieve the following outcomes when they graduate:

  1. Able to apply research knowledge related to psychology.
  2. Ability to analyze the problem and identify and define psychological research requirements related to the solution.
  3. Ability to design non-clinical psychological intervention programs.
  4. Ability to function effectively in a team to achieve a common goal.
  5. Understanding of professionalism, ethics, social issues and responsibilities.
  6. Ability to communicate effectively.

The profile of graduates of the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Psychology Study Program follows the Core Curriculum for Undergraduate Psychology Study Programs established by the Association of Higher Education Providers. Psychology Indonesia (AP2TPI) through Decree Number 01 of 2019, namely:

  1. Manpower HR Division
  2. Teacher and Counselor for Education
  3. Research Assistant
  4. Independent Entrepreneurs
Prof. Dr. Abdul Mujib, M.Ag, M.Si.
NIP 196806141997041001
NIDN 2014066801
Field of Study Islamic Psychology
Email abdul.mujib@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57712333600
Sinta ID 6022911
Orcid ID -

Prof. Dr. Drs. Achmad Syahid, M.Ag.
NIP 196811071994031005
NIDN 2007116801
Field of Study Islamic Thought
Email achmad_syahid@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 58299044700
Sinta ID 6198502
Orcid ID 0000-0003-1824-0224

Prof. Dr. Fadhilah Suralaga, M.Si.
NIP 19561223 1983032001
NIDN 8955450022
Field of Study Educational Psychology
Email fadhilah.suralaga@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57221293577
Sinta ID 6104167
Orcid ID 0000-0001-7716-7288

Prof. Dr. Zahrotun Nihayah, M.Si.
NIP 196207241989032001
NIDN 2024076201
Field of Study Developmental Psychology
Email zahrotun.nihayah@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57221288160
Sinta ID 6824638
Orcid ID 0000-0002-4091-0266

Prof. Dr. Rena Latifa, M.Psi., Psi.
NIP 198209292008012004
NIDN 2029098203
Field of Study Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Couple and Family Psychology
Email rena.latifa@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57208280285
Sinta ID 6199603
Orcid ID 0000-0001-7615-7416

Dr. Diana Mutiah, M.Si.
NIP 196710291996032001
NIDN 2029106701
Field of Study Educational Psychology
Email diana.mutiah@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57303811900
Sinta ID 6198159
Orcid ID 0000-0002-4934-6825

Dr. Gazi, M.Si.
NIP 197112142007011014
NIDN 2014127101
Field of Study Social Psychology and Psychology of Religion
Email gazi@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57612912900
Sinta ID 6022905
Orcid ID 0000-0001-9345-9889

Dr. Abdul Rahman Shaleh, S.Ag., M.Psi.
NIP 197208231999031002
NIDN 2023087201
Field of Study Positive Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Email abd.rahman.shaleh@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57188967170
Sinta ID 6092291
Orcid ID 0000-0002-6308-5369

Dr. Yunita Faela Nisa, M.Psi., Psi.
NIP 197706082005012003
NIDN 2008067701
Field of Study Media Psychology and Technology, Social, Organizational, and Educational Measurement and Intervention
Email yunita.faela@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57221553081
Sinta ID 6198161
Orcid ID 0000-0002-7888-5115

Dr. Natris Idriyani, M.Si.Psi
NIP 197907232007102002
NIDN 2023077902
Field of Study Developmental Psychology, and Child/Adolescent Developmental Psychopathology from a Positive Psychology Perspective
Email natris.idriyani@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57221286460
Sinta ID 6195968
Orcid ID 0000-0002-0953-5234

Bahrul Hayat, Ph.D.
NIP 195904301986031016
NIDN 2030045901
Field of Study Psychometrics
Email bahrulhayat@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57208264156
Sinta ID 6772087
Orcid ID 0000-0002-1021-557X

Yufi Adriani, Ph.D, Psi.
NIP 198209182009012006
NIDN 2018098201
Field of Study Happiness Study, Psychology and Well Being Assessment, Quality of Life, Subjective Well Being and Well Being, Life Satisfaction
Email yufi.adriani@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57852965600
Sinta ID 6102632
Orcid ID 0000-0003-4385-5087

Mohamad Avicenna, M.H.Sc.Psi., Ph.D.
NIP 197709062001121004
NIDN 2006097701
Field of Study Counseling Psychology, Psychotherapy, Quality of Life, Mental Health, and Addiction
Email m_avicenna@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 55572547200
Sinta ID 56417
Orcid ID 0000-0003-4385-5087

Ikhwan Lutfi, M.Psi.
NIP 197307102005011006
NIDN 2010077301
Field of Study Social Group Relations, Tolerance, Radicalism, Environment
Email ikhwan.lutfi@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6198518
Orcid ID 0000-0002-1282-3894

Miftahuddin, M.Psi.
NIP 197303172006041001
NIDN 2017037301
Field of Study Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Email miftahuddin@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6825196
Orcid ID -

Solicha, M.Si.
NIP 197204151999032001
NIDN 2015047202
Field of Study School Psychology
Email solicha@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6200444
Orcid ID 0000-0003-2804-8236

Dr. Rachmat Mulyono, M.Si. Psi.
NIP 196502201999031003
NIDN 2020026501
Field of Study Developmental Psychology and Child Psychology
Email rachmat.mulyono@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6196223
Orcid ID -

Mulia Sari Dewi, M.Si., Psi
NIP 197805022008012026
NIDN 2002057801
Field of Study Educational Psychology, Educational Measurement, Assessment Center, Training and Development
Email mulia.sari@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6669570
Orcid ID -

Dr. Layyinah, M.Si.
NIP 197701012011012004
NIDN 2001017704
Field of Study Developmental Psychology and Islamic Psychology
Email layyinah@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57221287453
Sinta ID 6853527
Orcid ID 0000-0002-1054-5050

Dr. Risatianti Kolopaking, M.Si., Psi.
NIDN 2015016702
Field of Study Health Psychology
Email risatianti.kolopaking@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 37117169000
Sinta ID 6197194
Orcid ID 0000-0003-0969-9295

Dr. Ilmi Amalia, M.Psi.
NIP 19821014201101005
NIDN 314108201
Field of Study Clinical Psychology
Email ilmi.amalia@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6200163
Orcid ID 0000-0002-3913-4036

Zulfa Indira Wahyuni, M.Psi., Psi.
NIP 198105092009012012
NIDN 2009058101
Field of Study Educational Psychology, Clinical child and Adolescent Psychology
Email zulfa.indira@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57421347700
Sinta ID 6839289
Orcid ID 0000-0002-2142-3171

Drs. Akhmad Baidun, M.Si.
NIP 196408142001121001
NIDN 2014086401
Minat Penelitian/Kepakaran Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Email akhmad.baidun@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57421558900
Sinta ID 6832163
Orcid ID 0000-0002-7012-854X

Sitti Evangeline Imelda Suaidy, M.Si., Psi.
NIP 197501272007102002
NIDN 327017504
Field of Study Adolescent and Adult Clinical Psychologist, Pornography Addiction, Trauma Psychology & Amp, Gender & Sexuality
Email sitti.evangeline@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6197152
Orcid ID -

Liany Luzvinda, M.Si.
NIP 197802162007102001
NIDN 2016027802
Field of Study Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Positive Psychology
Email liany.luzvinda@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6750239
Orcid ID 0000-0002-9115-056X

Dr. Neneng Tati Sumiati, M.Si., Psi.
NIP 197303282000032003
NIDN 2028037301
Field of Study Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities/ Autism Spectrum Disorders
Email neneng.tati@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57852820700
Sinta ID 6778769
Orcid ID 0000-0003-0080-1687

Desi Yustari Muchtar, M.Psi.
NIP 198212142008012006
NIDN 2014128201
Field of Study Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Psychology of Women; Psychometrics; Educational Psychology
Email desi.yustari@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6199020
Orcid ID 0009-0008-6996-5499

Nia Tresniasari, M.Si
NIP 198410262009122004
NIDN 2026108401
Field of Study Statistics and Quantitative Method
Email nia.tresniasari@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID -
Orcid ID -

Moh. Irvan, M.Si
NIP 198903172020121009
NIDN 2017038902
Field of Study Statistics
Email moh.irvan@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6678633
Orcid ID 0000-0002-2444-4824

Valendra Granitha Shandika Puri, MA
NIDN 622109102
Field of Study Quantitative Psychology (Assessment & Methods); Indigenous Psychology; Psychology of Women
Email valendra.granitha@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 58259516000
Sinta ID 6766222
Orcid ID 0000-0001-7393-5673

Farhanah Murniasih, M.Si
NIP 199202052022032001
NIDN 2005029206
Field of Study Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Well-Being, Social Psychology, Psychometrics
Email farhanah.murniasih@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6788142
Orcid ID 0000-0003-0487-3936

Wara Alfa Syukrilla, S.Si., M.Sc
NIP 199501142022032002
NIDN 2014019501
Field of Study Quantitative Methods
Email wara.alfa@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6772220
Orcid ID 0000-0003-4054-3109

Jahja Umar, Ph.D.
Field of Study Psychometrics
Email jahja.umar@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 16423477100
Sinta ID 6752202
Orcid ID -

Dr. Netty Hartaty, M.Si.
Field of Study Educational Psychology
Email netty.hartaty@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID -
Orcid ID -

miftah-3x4-225x300 (1)
Muhammad Miftah Fudin, S.Pd.
Email muhammad.miftahfudin@uinjkt.ac.id

Nurhidayati, S.Pd.
Email nurhidayati@uinjkt.ac.id

No Name Name of Competency Level
1 Jasmine Laksmi Dewi MORA Overseas Student Mobility Award (MOSMA) 2023 International
2 Anindya Kintarani Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
3 Sesy Aulia Jasmine Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
4 Naila Haliza Hidayat Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
5 Triayuni Cynthiana Rahayu Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
6 Rifdah Kamila Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
7 Najwa Aliyya Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
8 Khaironnisa Faadihillah Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
9 Dhya Qistiyah Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
10 Anuranisa Riyanisba Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
11 Nadya Mudzalifa Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
12 Manda Eka Azaria Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
13 Yasmin Afra Syafifah Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
14 Najmah Zohara Royani Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
15 Najwa Fathiyyah Hidayat Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
16 Davira Aulia Saputri Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
17 Amalia zhahrina Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
18 Siti Aisyah Zhafirah Juara Favorit 3 Ratoe Jaroe Festival 2023 National
19 Manda Eka Azaria Grand Final Pemilihan Duta GenRe Provinsi Banten 2023 National
20 M. Harits Hikmawan Konferensi National Peneliti Muda Psikologi ke-7 National
21 M. Fadeel Aribowo Konferensi National Peneliti Muda Psikologi ke-8 National
22 Yusri Amrina Konferensi National Peneliti Muda Psikologi ke-9 National
23 Nabilah Nur Amalia Hibah penelitian Div 36 American Psychological Association (APA) International
24 M. Zulkarnain Hibah penelitian Div 36 American Psychological Association (APA) International
25 Nailatushafi Hibah penelitian Div 36 American Psychological Association (APA) International
26 Anisa Pratama Hibah penelitian Div 36 American Psychological Association (APA) International
27 Lathifa Rachmah Medali Perak: Lomba Wind Ensemble Brass Fornas VII Bandung National
28 M. Agam Hidayat Medali Perak: Lomba Wind Ensemble Brass Fornas VII Bandung National
29 Ainul Huda Juara 2 Lomba Essay Mahasiswa National Festival Syariah 2023 National
30 Nailatushafi Best presenter: 3rd International Conference IKSP 2023 International
31 M. Harits Hikmawan Juara 1 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
32 M. Fadeel Aribowo Juara 1 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
33 Dandy Aulia Juara 1 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
34 Amora Fatha Rasaki Juara 2 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
35 Cantika Mulia Sholehah Juara 2 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
36 Dhea Rizki Amalia Juara 2 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
37 Indira Damayanti Juara 5 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
38 Denia Putri Sefiana Juara 5 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
39 Woro Setyaningtyas Juara 5 Bidang Lomba Psikologi, OASE 2023 National
40 Lia Nur Alifah Juara 2 Bidang Lomba Fahmil Quran, OASE 2023 National
41 Nurul Hafizatul Lomba Dai Putri tingkat universitas, OASE 2023 Lokal
42 Nabilah Nur Amalia Presenter: 3rd International Conference IKSP 2023 International
43 M. Zulkarnain Presenter: 3rd International Conference IKSP 2023 International
44 Nailatushafi Presenter: 3rd International Conference IKSP 2023 International
45 Anisa Pratama Presenter: 3rd International Conference IKSP 2023 International
46 M. Fadeel Aribowo Indonesia Youth Leadership Conference 2020 National
47 M. Harits Hikmawan Penulis artikel terbaik, Konferensi Online Peneliti Muda Psikologi ke 7 National
48 M. Fadeel Aribowo Japan-Asean History of Development Cooperation-Exchange Program 2022 International
49 M. Fadeel Aribowo Japan-Indonesia peace building exchange International
50 M. Fadeel Aribowo SDG's environment International
51 Galuh Dwi Rahmawati PsyMovie 2023 National
52 Muhammad Agam Hidayat PsyMovie 2023 National
53 Muhammad Akbar Dimas Meirahmawan PsyMovie 2023 National
54 Sesy Aulia Jasmine PsyMovie 2023 National
55 Siti Aisyah Zhafirah PsyMovie 2023 National
56 M. Razli Mubarak PsyMovie 2023 National
57 Thufaila Dea Fadila PsyMovie 2023 National
58 Caesa Arresta Ardjil PsyMovie 2023 National
59 M. Rizky Rachmadani PsyMovie 2023 National
60 Naila Haliza Hidayat PsyMovie 2023 National
61 Ressa Maura Basic and Applied Science Conference International
62 Ibnu Athoilah (S2) International Seminar of Multicultural Psychology International

Psychology Laboratory

Laboratory  Psychology aims to provide services to the academic community of the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta consisting of lecturers and students in teaching activities, research, and community service. The psychology laboratory is headed by the Head of Laboratory and assisted by Academic Mentors. The laboratory also has an Academic Mentor program.  This program is attended by selected students who are assigned to help manage the laboratory and provide mentoring to other students regarding mastery of course material. The psychology laboratory is located on the 4th floor of the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta.


Computer Laboratory

The Psychology Computer Laboratory is a facility dedicated to supporting research and experimentation in psychology using computer technology and related software. related software. This lab provides an environment conducive to running various psychological experiments, data analysis, and the study of human behavior with a computational approach. Laboratory The Psychology Computer Lab provides an internet connection and projector for presentations and training. It also provides psychology research software, such as SPSS, Lisrel, and M-Plus, and other data analysis software. and other data analysis software.



The library is the heart of higher education that functions as a support for the academic movement and dynamics of higher education. The library is tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for the purposes of education, research, and community service. The Faculty of Psychology Library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent services. in order to provide excellent service. Until now the library has a print and electronic collection of more than 5519 titles that stand from e-books, journals, theses, and others. Besides In addition, to meet information needs, the Psychology library provides computers equipped with wired and wi-fi internet services.


Research Center

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