Data & Facts from the Faculty of Psychology
Study program

The Faculty of Psychology of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta currently has two study programs, namely the Bachelor of Psychology Study Program with a study period of 8 semesters and the Master of Psychology Study Program with a study period of 4 semesters. 4 semesters. Especially for the Master of Science in Psychology Study Program, it consists of 3 specializations namely Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Educational Psychology and Psychometrics. The curriculum used by the Faculty of The curriculum used by the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta is the SN Dikti Curriculum and AP2TPi (Association of Indonesian Psychology Higher Education Organizers).

Conducting research and publications is a necessity and culture that continues to be built at the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta. The 36 lecturers of UIN Faculty of Psychology consistently and continuously conduct research in accordance with their respective interests and expertise. consistently and continuously conduct research in accordance with their respective interests and expertise. Cooperation and collaboration in research also continue to be carried out both with domestic and foreign partners and universities. abroad.

Community Service
The community service program carried out by lecturers and students of the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta aims to spread the benefits of psychology to the community. The field of community service includes all existing fields, such as Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, as well as Psychometrics.